Jeju, Korea
  • Jeju, Korea
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    Towards a Greener Future: Our Commitment to Sustainability:
    In light of the escalating global environmental challenges, we firmly believe in taking steps towards a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future. Our conference is committed to adopting eco-friendly practices that minimize carbon emissions and reduce environmental impact.
Our Eco-Friendly Initiatives Include:
    - Digital Documentation:
    To save trees and reduce waste, all conference materials will be provided in digital format.  
    - Carbon Footprint Reduction:
    We are working tirelessly to lower our carbon footprint by encouraging virtual participation, using renewable energy sources, and implementing energy-efficient practices at our physical venue.
    - Carbon Footprint Reduction:
    We are working tirelessly to lower our carbon footprint by encouraging virtual participation, using renewable energy sources, and implementing energy-efficient practices at our physical venue.
    - Waste Management:
    By promoting recycling and composting, we aim to significantly decrease the amount of waste generated during the conference.
    - Green Partnerships:
    We have joined hands with environmentally responsible vendors and partners to ensure every aspect of our conference is aligned with our green vision.
    - Green Partnerships:
    We have joined hands with environmentally responsible vendors and partners to ensure every aspect of our conference is aligned with our green vision.
We invite all attendees to join us in this crucial endeavor. Together, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future. Please stay tuned to our website for updates on our green initiatives and how you can be a part of this movement.